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With Red Bull SPECT gaming glasses, you'll be ready for any challenge in front of the screen.


Screens permanently emit short-wave blue light. light. To defeat this powerful opponent, the Red Bull SPECT Gamechanger collection has an integrated has an integrated blue light filter - with different strengths in different strengths.

Increase your endurance

The frame made of sustainable, bio-based G850 material is ultra-light, anti-allergenic and compatible with compatible with headsets thanks to the flexible temple headsets. For maximum wearing comfort. The Gamechanger collection with its to suit every style with its different designs.

Improve your sleep

Quite a bit of sleep: the optional clip with special special Sleeper Glass filters out even more high-energy light components. This stimulates the release of the the sleep hormone melatonin and improve regeneration. regeneration can be improved.

MASTER Gamechanger

Your gaming glasses can be ordered directly without prescription and are already waiting for you.

MASTER RX Gamechanger

Need your gaming glasses with prescription? Then our MASTER RX collection is the perfect choice for you.

Blue filter technology

Powerful blue light protection for your best performance